How donations are changing the Brazilian sertão - Instituto Livres Pular para o conteúdo

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02 de novembro

How donations are changing the Brazilian sertão

The Brazilian sertão is one of the poorest areas in Brazil. With thousands of families living below the poverty line, the rural population is clamoring for actions and donations that can help them have a more dignified life.


Punished by drought and hunger, the sertão has been the main area of activity of Instituto Livres, mainly in the State of Piauí. There, we take drinking water, food, medicine, quality education, and carry out psychosocial care, among many other actions.


However, for all these actions, we carry something in common: love.


But before we understand how these actions take place, we would like to introduce who we are.


Who is the Instituto Livres

Instituto Livres is a third sector organization founded by Juliano Son in 2006 with the purpose of being an effective agent for achieving a more egalitarian society, free from injustice. After hearing the report on the sexual exploitation of children in Nepal, Son decided to meet with a social body to develop and promote actions aimed at protecting and caring for children.


He mobilized people interested in the cause and, from his musical career, started a project to denounce the situation of violation of the rights of children and adolescents through his songs, giving visibility to the cause in all the events in which he participates. Since then, it has worked effectively to transform the lives of people and communities in situations of vulnerability and high risk.


The first project – Livre Ser Acolhimento – aims to provide comprehensive social assistance and assistance to children and adolescents. Aiming to expand the project of the Livre Ser Acolhimento to the northeast, Son moved in January 2013 to Teresina, capital of the state of Piauí, in order to establish a shelter center to assist children and teenagers on a full-time basis.


Also in 2013, when faced with the reality of municipalities and villages in the interior of Piauí, Instituto Livres engaged in the Mais Água Project, which provides water solutions to meet the need for drinking water in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil; and in 2014, it developed Impacto Sertão Livre, which mobilizes and brings together volunteers from all over Brazil for actions with high social impact in disadvantaged communities in Piauí.


Seeking to be a reference organization in sustainable improvement projects in the sertão, we make ourselves available in order to move for the good of others, developing innovative, economical, ecological, and socially feedback solutions.


Today, Livres works for the causes of children, families, access to water and the sertão through the projects Acolhimento Livre Ser, Mais Água, Impacto Sertão Livre and Missão Livres. More than 180,000 people have already benefited in 139 villages and communities in the sertão of Piauí. There are two Shelters in Santo André, 14 social solutions for access to drinking water, 15 editions of Impacto missions and we have started the integral work of missions in the sertão.


At the end of 2019, we established our sustainable social mission office in Paulistana/Piauí, where our team of social mission agents regularly develops all assistance, development, and new service opportunities in communities and villages. We focus on serving backland communities with their basic needs, promoting the transformation of well-being, self-esteem, and development of life and coexistence.


Our programs

We currently have seven programs:



We invite you to click on each of the names of our programs to learn a little more about them!


Food donations

As in this article, we want to highlight how donations have changed the sertão, we will show our impact on the lives of thousands of people through our food donations.


In 2021 alone, we have already donated more than 60 tons of food. This means that more than 5,000 families were reached with food on the table.


We believe that through these foods, we can guarantee a better future for children and adolescents, in addition to giving dignity to needy families.


Money donations

However, achieving these results requires resources.


We only reach the lives of thousands of families because people believe in our work. These friends and partners do transform people’s lives together with us.


Therefore, we want to invite you to join forces with us and be part of the history of these people who so much need our help.


Make your donation today and help us bring food to the Brazilian sertão!

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